Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Wow... when people tell you that the 2's are terrible you might want to perk up your ears and listen to all the advice they have.  It isn't that C is being all that bad, but once we moved him from his crib to his big boy bed, he needs me to lay with him until he goes to sleep.  He has also decided that he no longer needs afternoon nap.  This has been rough on both of us, because I no longer get to have my little bit of me time and get things done around the house, and he is starting to get a bit more cranky come afternoon time.  He did lay down with his blanket and pillow to watch cartoons and fall asleep... but that was twice and short lived.  :D  LOL

Lately, as of this week, he has been doing better at getting bed around 9pm.  This is wonderful, maybe the no nap thing is good?  That I'm not going to say out loud just yet.  :D  He has woke up around 6 am though, but we were able to get him to go back to sleep.  I think he wakes up when he moves around and loses his covers.  I am not sure how to teach him to get the covers when he is cold... maybe that will come to me in time.  :D

We are working towards routine... lets hope 9 is our new lucky number.  :D