Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Wow... when people tell you that the 2's are terrible you might want to perk up your ears and listen to all the advice they have.  It isn't that C is being all that bad, but once we moved him from his crib to his big boy bed, he needs me to lay with him until he goes to sleep.  He has also decided that he no longer needs afternoon nap.  This has been rough on both of us, because I no longer get to have my little bit of me time and get things done around the house, and he is starting to get a bit more cranky come afternoon time.  He did lay down with his blanket and pillow to watch cartoons and fall asleep... but that was twice and short lived.  :D  LOL

Lately, as of this week, he has been doing better at getting bed around 9pm.  This is wonderful, maybe the no nap thing is good?  That I'm not going to say out loud just yet.  :D  He has woke up around 6 am though, but we were able to get him to go back to sleep.  I think he wakes up when he moves around and loses his covers.  I am not sure how to teach him to get the covers when he is cold... maybe that will come to me in time.  :D

We are working towards routine... lets hope 9 is our new lucky number.  :D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Awesome Service

Don't you just love when you find something awesome?  Then, don't you want to share it with everyone you can?

You see, we were in the market for a new bed for C.  He was starting to show the beginnings of "attempting" to climb out of his crib.  That lead me to the internet, where I was looking for a secure well built bed that he wasn't going to roll out of and hurt himself.  Plus, I wanted to find something that would last.  In my searching,  I found a small link to a company not too far from our house.  When I searched the  corporate website "Flexa Furniture", I found just the bed I was looking for.  In the picture, the bed showed rails on over 3/4 of the bed.  Awesome!!  

When I called the number the lady I spoke with gave me the names of everyone that was working there, and even took my name and called ahead and let them know we were coming.  The beds can be configured many different ways, and can always be added too as the children grow.  When we went into the showroom, we found that we were actually at a Flexa Outlet store.  We were able to put our hands on the beds, and had all our questions answered.  We were also informed that as long as we purchased in that store we would get 10% off our purchase.  That was AWESOME!  

After ordering, they called when the shipment came in.  When I went in to pick up, they loaded everything in my car, gave me my discounts and were awesome in explaining how everything works.  The Manager Darla was awesome, I wish I would have gotten the other gentleman's name, but I can't remember anything.  I even made sure she was ok with me blogging the store.  I was extremely impressed with the service, and the quality of the product is excellent!!  

Monday, April 12, 2010


This last couple weeks have been rough around here, with C starting to sleep in his bigboy bed.  I don't think he has taken a nap in there at all.  Come nighttime, I have to lay in bed with him to get him to go to sleep.  I know that is probably the wrong thing to do, but at least I am not holding him.  :D  Once he goes to sleep, I am able to move on with the things I need to get accomplished for the evening.  UNLESS, it is around midnight when I finally get him to sleep then I move off to snuggle my pillow for some well deserved Zs.

All of my Zs are dependent on if C stays asleep, and if the PITA dog doesn't start barking as soon as I lay down and get comfortable.  For the last week he has been barking as soon as I get in bed.  I have to come downstairs... let him out... let him in and then sleep on the couch.  If I happen to try and sneak up stairs, he will start barking as soon as I get comfortable.

My couch is comfortable, but not as comfortable when i sleep on it every night.  It has gotten to the point that I am having to roll off the couch in the mornings, to get my back working.

It is now time to find said PITA dog a new family home.  This Momma need sleep....

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


For those that don't know.  I'm not much of a go out and do things by myself or on my own.  I am just more comfortable when I have M or a friend with me.  I am not one to go out to a store or anything with just me and the baby.  I will go out to the grocery store for a quick trip if I have too... but that is usually about it.

So, today I am very proud of myself.  I am SUPER!!  I did some errands... with just me and C.  I had to make a run to Babies R Us, to take C for a shot at the doctors office, AND went and picked up his bigboy bed.  :D  Oh, and we hit the Walgreens drive-thru.  

I had a good time today, but I'm not sure I can make a habit of this.  

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting Older

I've seen the gray hairs that have been multiplying since my son was born.  I see that they stand on end so everyone can notice them.  I have even seen one attacking a beautiful brown one... where it was slowly making it's way toward the root.  They don't always bother me... they do make me just look at them in the mirror with that wonderful WTF look on my face.  :D  Although, today takes the cake.  Apparently there has been a gray hair or shall I say wiskerish thing growing out of the side of my face/chin area for who knows how long.  It was over an inch long.  OMG... I didn't think this was going to happen to me until I was much, MUCH older.  LOL

There have always been chin hairs... don't we all have those... but this one went a LONG time without being noticed... how does that happen??  Not feeling so super today....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Super Mommy's

I got to meet some extremely Super Mommy's today.   They work, they blog, and they have wonderful children... and they are SUPER.  :D  

With a great idea, and finally getting the go, we are all here at my house blogging, talking social media... and eating wonderful Panara Bread bagels.  Along with coffee of course.  :D  

I think I am doing pretty good meeting new people.  I haven't met this many new people since I was working.  This is wonderful!  

My son is loving being able to play with other kids.  For once I get to sit here and blog and not have to worry about C coming over, grabbing my finger and leading me to the toy room.  That makes for a more productive Mommy blogger.  I have a few blogs, and I am so far behind on the one of C's daily pictures.  I need to really get back on that.  I have to get the pictures off of my Husband's computer of the pictures I am missing.  I am way behind because my last post was Feb 5th.  I'm debating with myself on if I should just start back in today and skip those last few weeks.  Then I don't have to fight finding all the pictures that I have lost.  

I wanted to be super and get it all caught up, but with my other blog I am only super. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paining etc..

I have been talking for months about painting my living room.  I wanted to give it character, and make it warm and inviting.  So, I have been looking at paint swatches every time we have gone to Home Depot or Lowes... or anywhere else there were paint samples.

After a few paint samplings on the wall, and many more colors brought home.  We finally agree'd on a color.  I must tell you that I wanted a shade of orange.  I LOVE orange... Well, I finally nagged enough and got Hunny to help with the cut in, and we painted this past Sunday.  Well, we painted... only one wall, and we only got one coat to start with...

So, on Monday a great friend of mine and I finished the job.  We got the cut in and the second coat done. That is the first part of my super-ness.  The second part is... on top of my getting the painting done.. I was able to make biscuits and gravy for supper.  :D  I wasn't able to get a shower, but I was able to finish the one wall of painting and make supper.  May not be SUPER super, but it was still super.

Now, finding the time to paint the other two walls... Now where to find that extra energy.

Friday, March 19, 2010


What is your definition of being SUPER and a SAH-Mommy?

Before I started this blog, I asked myself over and over if I qualified as being super.  Was it that I gave up a career to be a SAHM? Was it kissing the boo boos and holding my son when he had a nightmare?  Was it breastfeeding till he was a year and a half?  There are so many questions that I have asked myself on if I qualify.  I believe every SAHM asks themselves this all the time.

I know I am SUPER... even if there are days that I don't get a shower, get the dishes done, or even supper made.  I tell myself that I am spending quality time with my son, and that makes me super.

Some days I don't feel super... I feel like a slouch when I don't get all the things done that I plan.  When I get up right when Punkin does, and then getting a shower is next to impossible.  We snuggle, drink milk and watch cartoons and then play and play... Those days nothing gets done... No shower, no dishes, no working out, no nothing.  Unless he naps, and then I rush to get in a shower, the dishwasher unloaded and re-loaded and hopefully have something to throw together for supper.  If that doesn't happen, it's pizza time.

I hope that working Mommy's don't slam me for what I put here. I think all Mommy's are special.

Here's to working on time management, getting up with enough time to workout, and hopefully shower before little guy wakes up.

And now continues my journey...